Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Morning Run & Cravings

Yesterday morning was NOT easy to get up. Could be because on Sundays Jon and I stay up to watch Bar Rescue and Breaking Amish.... who ever said 10:00 is prime time TV was not getting up at 5:30AM to run. BUT those shows are totally worth it the tiredness feeling

I was slower today, but I also got my fastest mile! I did 3.26 miles in 38.00 minutes.
Mile 1: 13:09 min/mile (includes warm up)
Mile 2: 10:57 min/mile
Mile 3: 9:57 min/mile
Mile 4: 15:16 min/mile (cool down)

Although I treated myself after... I been craving a chocolate frosted donuts for the longest time. SO I gave in and got one. I must say I think the craving wont come back for awhile..... 

What "not goo for you" cravings do you have?


  1. ICE CREAM! I don't keep it in the house anymore because I could never eat in moderation but late last night I had a craving and ran out to the grocery store to get a small container.

    1. I love ice cream... well I am a move frozen yogurt person. This place in my town has Coffee Cookies and Cream Froze Yogurt, its so hard to not get that everynight! :)
